FW: student position available for lizard ecology study in Antigua

From: Sean Cenac (scenac@UOGUELPH.CA)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 08:22:54 AST

Subject: student position available for lizard ecology study in Antigua

Dear University Department Heads, Professors, and Colleagues,

The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) of Antigua and Barbuda is currently
looking for two students, preferably an undergraduate and graduate student
to take part in a lizard ecology study as part of the Antigua Racer
Conservation Project (ARCP). Please see the attached advertisement.

The ARCP is a collaborative, international conservation project whose
mission is to conserve the critically endangered Antiguan Racer snake
(Alsophis antiguae) and other indigenous flora and fauna of the offshore
islands of Antigua and Barbuda. Project partners include EAG, Fauna and
Flora International, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Black Hills State
University and Island Resources Foundation.

I am hopeful that, even though some of you may not be working with
terrestrial ecology/zoology/biology students, you may be able to pass this
ad. onto the relevant person(s) in your institution. We are particularly
interested in attracting Antiguan students and/or West Indian students in an
effort to increase local and regional capacity for research and management
of this particular project. Also, by assisting students with stipends for
summer research we hope this will help to establish conservation research as
an avenue towards successful employment. In addition, we hope that a
student can earn credit for independent study under this project at their
institution, perhaps some of you may be able to advise me on this matter.

The chosen students will be working alongside ARCP partner, Dr. Brian Smith,
a herpetologist at Black Hills State University in South Dakota, USA. Dr.
Smith has had extensive experience training undergraduate and graduate
students, both within and outside of the classroom. Students will receive
hands-on training in the field, with follow-up work to be completed during
the field season (when a portion of the final report can be written) and
outside of the field season (finishing the final report by e-mail).

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this project. If you have any
further questions please do not hesitate to contact me or Dr. Smith at

Yours sincerely

Gillian Cooper
Executive Director
Environmental Awareness Group
P.O. Box 2103
St. John's, Antigua
Tel: (268) 462-6236
Fax: (268) 463-7740

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