new member Dr. Mark Gill Albert Schweitzer Society - Haiti

From: Yacine Khelladi (yacine@AACR.NET)
Date: Wed Jun 16 1999 - 22:31:44 AST

bienvenu, welcome, bienvenido

please check the Destination DjonDjon in Haiti site


drgill wrote:
> Caribbean Foundation
> Albert Schweitzer Society
> Yacine
> i am interested in all forms of economic development for/in the
> Caribbean....have been for
> a number of years.....the Caribbean Foundation has a focus on specific
> forms of alternatives to development, different from the current
> "micro-finance" methods, as they normally do not allow a large segment of
> the population to participate in that so many simply have no assets with
> which to qualify......
> i know most of the islands fairly well, having lived not only in Haiti, but
> others and i teach
> for a college in Trinidad, by extension for the moment, and have for
> several years.....
> i have a long standing interest in the islands, and in fact, as soon as my
> work here in cape
> girardeau, misery (oops! i mean missouri) is finish, i will be moving back
> to the islands altho i dont yet know exactly where....
> we support schools at present, and i am working on a free "start-up"
> capital approach to
> development, whereby people are "screened" to determine motivation,
> seriousness, etc......if we have a "good report", made by people who know
> them, then, we provide for
> no cost, small amounts of start-up capital, meaning money.....
> i have done this in the past out of my own pocket, but my pockets are not
> large enough to
> accomplish that hope is that this approach will "catch on" and
> become one of
> the "models of development" that others will follow and develop further....
> Mark Gill

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