CEC - Sustainable Tourism Workshop

From: Ron E. Mader (ron@GREENBUILDER.COM)
Date: Tue Jun 01 1999 - 22:20:25 AST

First, kudos to the CEC staff for placing the documents relating to the Playa
del Carmen workshop on Sustainable Tourism in North America (27-28 May, 1999)
online their website.

There is a press release available online the CEC site:

There is also a PDF file - A Dialogue on Sustainable Tourism in Natural Areas
in North America -

I wish I had been able to attend the meeting, but instead chose to attend to
family matters. I look forward to seeing how these developments progress.

For those interested, I have created a space on the Planeta.com bulletin board
for an online dialogue. Participants and those interested are invited to visit
and place their comments online

Warm regards, Ron

Ron Mader
Author, Mexico: Adventures in Nature
and host, Planeta.com

           modem:  512.288.3903
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