WWW> Sustainable Development and the Americas

From: Ron E. Mader (ron@GREENBUILDER.COM)
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 10:33:04 AST

Sustainable Development and the Americas
compiled by Ron Mader

Version 5.0 -
January 1999

The following list of Internet websites have information on
sustainable development, and either have data from Latin America
or materials that are relevant to this region.

While there is an abundance of conceptual theory, there is still a
lack of up-to-date information on criteria, implementation and
working groups. Why so much babble about what one respondent called "trickle
sustainability" is the major disappointment of the 1990s.

This is an independent directory which strives to be objective about the
information that is or is not online. It was created to assist me in my own
reporting on environmental business, and it has proven useful to other
reporters, students, policy-makers and entrepreneurs. This index is one of the
most popular pages on the Eco Travels in Latin America website

Here's the way this page works: Newer sites are added at the top.
Comments taken from the sources themselves are placed in quotation
marks. This list is frequently updated to reflect the truth about the
internet - just like Texas weather - websites seem to change every five

Ron Mader, Author and Webhost
Planeta: Eco Travels in Latin America
    Planeta.com website mission
    Author's bibliography

Clearinghouse approved

 http://www.comminit.com/ -
 Communications Initiative is a partnership between The
 Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, BBC World Service, CIDA,
 Johns Hopkins University's Center for Communication Programming,
 UNFPA, Soul City and Panos. Unfortunately, there is little on this website
 to show how the initiative began or for how long it will run. Among the
 best features on this site are Drum Beat
 http://www.comminit.com/drum_beat.html and News features
 (http://www.comminit.com/news.html). Information is a little outdated,
 but useful for anyone interested in communications and development
 issues. For more information, contact Warren Feek - email:

 Updated: http://www.wbcsd.ch
 World Business Council for Sustainable Development: What a
 good good idea - entrepreneurs working to protect the environment,
 talking about eco-efficiency and corporate social responsibility. But it's
 unclear what the group really does. Publications are available, in PDF
 format unfortunately. The WBCSD produces the quarterly Trade and
 Environment Bulletin (http://www.wbcsd.ch/mediaonly.htm#trade),
 which offers a good review of current news in this field. Email:

 Updated: http://www.rds.org.mx/
 Red de Desarrollo Sostenible - Mexico: This is a network of
 "groups committed to sustainable development and member of the
 UNDP-SDNP (United Nations Development Programme-Sustainable
 Development Network Programme." The site boasts a good collection of
 online publications. It's unclear, though, who's in charge, how the
 network is financed or what the direction of this group will be. Be sure
 to check out the daily Informacion Ambiental synthesis of Mexican
 environmental and economic news - http://www.rds.org.mx/noti/ - an
 UTNE Reader for Mexican environmental news stories in Spanish. I'll
 cross my fingers this isn't a short-lived experiment. Email:

 Updated: http://www.infoweb.co.cr/redlat/
 Latin American Network of Strategies Towards Sustainability:
 Based in Costa Rica, this seems to be one of the most active information
 networks in the region. It has links to Agroforestry and Environmental
 Protection Project in Central America and Caribean Area, ANCON:
 National Society for Nature Conservancy, Panama. What's missing are
 links or information from smaller environmental groups and activists.
 It's a good start! Email: igutie@infoweb.co.cr

 Updated: http://www-esd.worldbank.org/html/esd/esdvp/esdvp.htm
 World Bank - Environmentally Sustainable Development:
 Content-bereft - this site has a list of tempting publications, none of
 which are available via the website and a calendar of events that is
 available only to World Bank staff: "The ESD Calendar of Events and
 Outputs is available only to World Bank staff that are accessing the
 Internet through the Bank's connection. People not in the Bank can not
 access this page." This is an embarrassment! For such an important
 division, it's a shame there is no documentation available to the public
 here. No email and don't even try to connect to the calendar section! (I
 would *love* to write a more positive review of the online archive - let
 me know when the website is updated)

 Updated: http://www.lead.org/
 Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) "was
 formed in 1991. In each LEAD member country or regions,
 approximately 15 promising mid-career are recruited from a broad
 range of disciplines and professional sectors to become Associates in the
 two-year program." Empty virtual conference halls and out-of-date
 contact lists hampers this resource. What does LEAD actually do in Latin
 America? Email: lead@lnsc.lead.org

 Sustainable Development Reporting Project is an archive of
 articles written by John Burnett, an Austin, Texas-based reporter, who
 also prepared audio versions of this series for National Public Radio.
 This is an excellent snapshot of sustainable development in Mexico and
 Central America.

 Earth Council was created at the 1992 Earth Summit, and though it's
 had a website for some time, only recently has Earth Council developed
 into a content-rich archive. For example, in 1998 it launched a directory
 of the National Councils for Sustainable Development and similar
 entities (NCSD) at http://www.ncsdnetwork.org in case you'd like to
 know who are the official promoters of sustainable development in your
 country. My only complaint with the website is that while it looks great,
 it's very difficult get a response. But you can try! Email:

 Sustainable Development: Implications for World Peace was a
 1996 conference held in Austin, Texas. Some of the papers are online as
 well as conference photos. Unfortunately, some of the links aren't
 working and the host does not respond to emails... Many of the papers,
 such as Sustaining Peace in Central America: The Challenges of the
 Central American Alliance for Sustainable Development tend to relay too
 heavily on what the institutions say they are doing instead of reviewing
 actual progress. Another paper, Philip Howard's Unsustainable
 Development and Conflict in Chiapas is listed but never has been
 accessible online.

 Red de Desarrollo Sostenible: Guatemala No doubt part of the
 United Nation's labrynth, this website has some good info online and the
 requisite links to other official organizations. There should be more
 information about what is happening in Guatemala, but this archive is
 rather dry. Stay tuned... Email: info@rds.org.gt

 The International Institute for Sustainable Development
 (IISD) is a non-profit organization established and supported by the
 Governments of Canada and Manitoba. IISD's mandate is to promote
 sustainable development in decision making within government,
 business and the daily lives of individuals in Canada and the world.
 Looking for indicators of Sustainable Development. Look at the
 compendium online http://iisd.ca/measure/compendium.htm. This is a
 beautiful site! Email: hcreech@iisdpost.iisd.ca

 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) publishes or
 distributes a series of bulletins in both English and Spanish, including
 BRIDGES Weekly Trade News Digest, Connection to the Americas,
 Intellectual Property & Biodiversity News, NAFTA & Inter-American
 Trade Monitor, El Monitor de NAFTA y Comercio Interamericano, IATP
 Propiedad Intelectual y Biodiversidad Noticias. The Minnesota-based
 center has a long history of promoting responsible trade and its
 publications are a model of advocacy journalism.
 Email: iatp-info@iatp.org

 Chile Environment Report produced by the Chile Information
 Project offers an excellent online archive of weekly reports and an
 index of environmental groups. A recent newsletter reviewed
 Sustainable Development and the failure of the second Earth Summit:
 http://www.chiper.cl/library/009.html. Contact: Graham Lewis. Email:

 Context Institute is a content-rich website, focusing on "sustainable
 culture." Great resource for planetary thinking. Email:

 Sustainable Sources is archived on the same sever as the Eco Travels
 website, though the sites are independent. Sustainable Sources includes
 the Sustainable Building Sourcebook - one of the best practical archives
 of information on green building. Email: billc@greenbuilder.com

 The Organization of American States' Inter-Sectoral Unit for
 Tourism has a brand new website. The OAS is very uneven - its trade
 related archives are some of the best on the net. The "Sustainable
 Development" program is terrible - especially in its promotion of public
 participation. But this section shows great promise. Email: ?

 The Social Programs and Sustainable Development
 Department (SDS) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB):
 "has launched a new web site focusing on environmental and social
 development in Latin America." The archive has great potential and the
 site gives a good heads up on coming events. Problems - the search
 function does not work and there is no text-only access. In search for
 specific documents, there are no progress reports - for example - on the
 environmental loans to Honduras. Email Martin Chrisney:

 Eco-Village Information Service: Check out the communities
 around the world which have a holistic connection to the environment.
 The site includes the Global Eco-village Network (GEN), as well as a list of
 other resources and a calendar of events. Email: heidi@gaia.org

 The Business Council for Sustainable Development - Latin
 America is a new web site which offers general pages on the history
 and mission of the BSCD. New online pages include information on the
 first interamerican conference on joint implementation and
 sustainabledevelopment, held in San Salvador and the BCSD-LA
 document "Sustainable Development in Latin America. Private
 Enterprise & Common Sense." Email: bcsdla@campus.mty.itesm.mx

 Official Summit of the Americas Website: A hemispheric
 disappointment, the December 1996 Summit attracted just a dozen leaders
 from the Americas, and little substantial proress was made. The lack of
 public awareness of the summit was matched by institutional arrogance
 and lack of resolve. This well-produced website was produced by the
 Secretariat of the Summit of the Americas in collaboration with the
 Sustainable Development Network of Bolivia and Virtual Production
 Services, with funding from the Government of the Netherlands. You
 can request documents via electronic mail. Email:

 CIAT-UNEP Environmental and Sustainability Indicators: This
 page features a Regional Roster of Experts and Institutions working on
 Environmental and Sustainability Indicators and is part of the
 International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Email:

 PLEDS: "The Resource Directory was developed by the Fundacion Acceso
 at the request of the Business Leadership for Sustainable Development
 Program (PLEDS) an initiative of INCAE (the Central American Business
 Institute). This Network of 50 members from 18 countries of Latin
 America seeks to motivate the region's young business leaders to
 undertake specific projects in support of the sustainable development of
 their companies, sectors, and countries by providing them with access
 to practical business information, personal references, management
 training, and opportunities for dialogue both within the network as well
 as with professionals in other sectors. Part of the Acceso project at
 http://www.acceso.org. Email: facceso@sol.racsa.co.cr

 RAFI: This is a wonderful, content-rich site! RAFI is an international
 non-governmental organization headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario
 (Canada) and with affiliate offices in Pittsboro, North Carolina (USA).
 "RAFI is concerned about the loss of genetic diversity - especially in
 agriculture - and about the impact of intellectual property rights on
 agriculture and world food security." Email: rafican@web.apc.org

 AmericasNet: Florida International University's Summit of the
 Americas Center has a site that's that frequently has high-tech video or
 audio conferences, but few documents or archives. It also tends toward
 an institutional focus - regardless of whether progress is being made.
 Email: summit@americas.fiu.edu

 agAccess - Sustainable Agricultural Sources is an "agricultural
 and horticultural publishing company dedicated to sustainable
 agriculture through the worldwide publication and distribution of high
 quality, practical information." Includes information on international
 sources. Email: agaccess@davis.com

 Sustainable Development Dimensions is an excellent new site
 hosted by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
 Information is divided into four areas: People, Institutions, Knowledge
 and Environment. The site is updated monthly. Includes information in
 Spanish. Email: Graeme.Thomas@fao.org

 The U.S. Department of Energy's Center of Excellence for
 Sustainable Development "will offer information and technical
 advice to help communities become more energy efficient and
 environmentally sound." Contact Jeff Birkby via email:

 PRODERS: Mexico's regional program for sustainable development run
 by the Environmental Secretariat (SEMARNAP) is an exemplary web
 site. Mexico demonstrates great leadership in distributing information
 on this topic.

 United Nations Environment Programme remains a
 disappointment. They say: "Geneva is a leading center for international
 treaties and major programmes dealing with the environment and
 sustainable development. Most of these activities are sponsored by the
 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or by the UN
 Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development
 (DPCSD)." I would ask that there be more specific information here -
 perhaps there will be developments in late 1997.

 United Nations Environment Program, Work Group on
 Sustainable Product Development: Includes information about the
 working group, its database, links to other environmental web pages,
 the newsfax archive and information on joining the program.

 The United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and
 Sustainable Development has a Division of Sustainable Development
 and information from the Rio-created Commission for Sustainable
 Development (CSD). Email:dpcsd@un.org

 Organization of the American States: "The OAS' Department of
 Regional Development and Environment conducts technical cooperation
 and training programs to assist the member States in their efforts to
 preserve their natural resources. It works with the countries on
 planning sustainable development, managing the environment and
 preparing investment programs and projects." The site has some
 country-specific reports, though none online and the website offers
 few contacts. Pages include a Proposal to Create a Sustainable
 Development Unit and the Bolivia Summit. Email:Info@OAS.ORG

 The International Council for Local Environmental
 Initiatives (ICLEI) is the international environmental agency for
 local governments. More than 200 municipalities from 43 countries
 participated in the founding of the International Council for Local
 Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) at the World Congress of Local
 Governments for a Sustainable Future held in September, 1990 at the
 United Nations in New York. Email: 75361.3043@compuserve.com

 Environment Australia: Documents available include summaries of
 Australia's National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development
 (NSESD), the InterGovernmental Agreement on the Environment (IGAE)
 and National Reports to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development
 (CSD). Information on environmental economics and links to other sites
 with sustainable development information are also included.

 International Development Research Centre (Ottawa, Canada) is
 pledged to building a sustainable and equitable world. To meet this
 challenge, the Centre has focused its efforts on five multi-disciplinary
 themes: Biodiversity, Poverty and environmental damage, Food systems
 under stress, Information and communication and Technology and the
 environment. Email: pub@idrc.ca

 International Institute for Environment and Development: As
 of March 1996, there's not much information at this site. Contact the
 IIED at 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD; Phone: +44-(0)171 388 2117;
 Fax +44-(0)171 388 2826; Email:iiedagri@gn.apc.org

 Exploring Ecotourism on the Eco Travels in Latin America
 website (http://www.planeta.com) reviews the concepts behind
 environmental tourism and points to resources and analysis throughout
 the world. (This is a modest plug for another page on this site.) Email:

 The American Bar Association held a meeting on "Sustainable
 Development in the Americas: The Emerging Role of the Private Sector"
 with several sessions focusing on the upcoming Bolivia Summit as well
 as an ABA follow-up conference held in Buenos Aires in 1997. They do
 not seem eager to put conclusions or presentations online.

 The Earth Pledge Foundation was established to promote sustainable
 development as articulated in Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit, held in Rio
 de Janeiro in 1992, and the Earth Pledge created at the Summit. Mere
 rhetoric? Perhaps. Unfortunately, it no longer includes the informative
 bi-monthly newsletter, Otherwise. What the Foundation actually does
 remains unclear. Email: lhoffman@earthpledge.com.

 EcoNet's Sustainable Development page links resources from A-Z.
 Excellent source of linkages.

 Ecodecison was launched in May 1989. The website offers abstracts of
 articles from the quarterly magazine, published under the sponsorship
 of the Royal Society of Canada. To be honest, this is a little boring.

About The Sustainable Development Index and Author

I am a prolific writer with an insatiable curiousity about the Americas and
environmental issues. In response to several requests, I've compiled this
bibliography of articles I've written and an index of conference presentations.
If you want to know more about me, here's a chatty Bio as well as a more formal
Resumé. I am devoting more time to giving workshops and presentations, on
ecotourism and environmental journalism. As a working writer, I am always
interested in new projects and well-paid, short-term employment.

I also have online three proposals for research that I hope to develop into

       Sustainable Development in the Americas
       New Alliances: Environmental NGOs in Latin America
       Weaving the Web: Mexico's Internet Pioneers and Environmental Leaders

Warm Regards, Ron Mader

1995-1999 Copyright Ron Mader. Non-commercial distribution is welcome and
encouraged if source is given. The directory is maintained online the Eco
Travels in Latin America website (http://www.planeta.com).

>> http://www2.planeta.com/mader/ecotravel/sustain.html

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