Ecotourism Masters degree has finished.

Miguel Angel Cabral (
Tue, 6 May 1997 13:14:04 -0400

>It is a pleasure for us to announce the ending of the first Masters degree
program in Ecotourism from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
>The state university (Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo) UASD, has just
finished on May 5 this two year masters degree program and is preparing for
the next promotion starting in July 1997.
>Some of the 16 master candidates are looking at posible Thesis themes for
research. The candidates are multi-disciplinal as they have there
profesional formation in various fields of knowledge from law, geography,
biology, architecture, psicology, agronomy, tourist services, civil
engineering, etc.
>If you are interested in contacting them by e-mail please use these two
> = Miguel Angel Cabral, Civil Engineer
> = Sofia Gomez, BSc. in Tourist Services
>Please feel free to foward this e-mail to anyone that you think might be
interested too.
>La Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) en la Republica Dominicana,
se complace en aunciar el feliz termino el 5 de mayo de su primera promocion
de la Maestria en Ecoturismo luego de dos anyos de colegiatura. La proxima
colegiatura empezara en el mes de julio 1997.
>Algunos de los 16 candidatos egresados estan en busca de temas para sus
trabajos de investigacion como tesis de grado.
>Los candidatos son multi-disciplinarios, ya que sus diferentes formaciones
profesionales abarcan desde abogados, biologos, geografos, arquitectos,
ingenieros, pedagogos, sicologos agronomia y logicamente licenciados en turismo.
>Si le interesa mantener contacto a traves de esta, escriba a las siguientes
direcciones electronicas:
> = Miguel Angel Cabral, Ingeniero Civil
> = Sofia Gomez, Licenciada en Servicios Turisticos
>Por favor sientase libre de pasar este mensaje a cualquier persona que
usted considere interesado tambien.