Online book - Exploring Ecotourism in the Americas

From: Ron E. Mader (ron@GREENBUILDER.COM)
Date: Wed Aug 25 1999 - 17:14:24 AST


Exploring Ecotourism in the Americas
An Online Resource Guide

The Eco Travels in Latin America website
( deals broadly with environmental travel and
ecotourism in the Americas -- from the U.S./Mexico borderlands to South
America. This page is your one-stop guide to materials specifically
related to ecotourism on the website as well as other
Internet resources that will be of great use to travelers, researchers and

Feel free to make suggestions, either via email or using our online
bulletin board. This is a work-in-progress. If you'd like to be kept abreast
of updates, please subscribe to's Announcement Service
by visiting or
by emailing the message - Subscribe - to

Ron Mader, Webhost Eco Travels in Latin America

Part One: Latin American Ecotourism

    1.Latin American Ecotourism - What is it?
      -Definition of Ecotourism
    2.History of Ecotourism in Latin America
    3.Communications Problems: The Grand Canyon of Ecotourism
    4.Indigenous Groups and Ecotourism

Part Two: Country Profiles

      -Ecotourism and Spirituality in Mexico
    7.Costa Rica

      -South American Explorers Club

Part Three: A Regional Assessment

    9.Stones in the Road: Obstacles to successful ecotourism development
   10.Positive Trends in Latin American Ecotourism

Part Four: The Insider's Guide to Ecotourism

Travelers' Tips

   11.Deciding where to go and how to travel
   12.Choosing an eco tour
   13.Being a responsible eco traveler
      -Practical hints: what to take

The Business of Ecotourism

   14.Creating an Ecotourism Business
   15.Financing Ecotourism
   16.Communications strategies: How to promote ecotourism on and off the web
      -1998 Snapshot: Marketing Ecotourism on the Internet
   17.Guide Training
   18.Greening Hotels
      -Green Building Resources in Latin America

Part Five: Reference

Index of Sustainable Development in the Americas

Ecotourism Bibliography

      Travel Guides with a Focus on Ecotourism
      Ecotourism - Conceptual and academic works

Ecotourism Listservs, Bulletin Boards and Magazines

The Players

      Ecotourism Contacts
      Related Websites
      Consultants and Businesses

Online Ecotourism References

      Ecotourism Marketing/Promotion
      Evaluating Ecotourism - Criteria and Ratings
      Problems with Ecotourism?
      Articles in Spanish
      Academic Centers and Documents
      Ron Mader's Ecotourism Presentations and Articles
      Rest of the World: Africa | Europe | Asia and the Pacific | USA


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