WWW> Ecotourism Listservers, Bulletin Boards and magazines

From: Ron E. Mader (ron@GREENBUILDER.COM)
Date: Fri Aug 13 1999 - 11:18:51 AST

FYI - I'm editing this page of resources. Suggestions are encouraged!

** This page is regularly updated. All articles listed below are hyperlinked
from the web page. To access the most current edition of Planeta.com's
"Exploring Ecotourism" page, please visit
http://www2.planeta.com/mader/ecotravel/etourlist.html. **

Exploring Ecotourism: Ecotourism Listservs, Bulletin Boards and Journals
August/Agosto 1999

Planeta.com's Exploring Ecotourism page
(http://www2.planeta.com/mader/ecotravel/etour.html) provides current resources
for those interested in the topic. The following materials will aid any
researcher or traveler:

Planeta.com Updates

Regular updates are available from Planeta.com via email at
no charge. Send the message - Subscribe - to
EcoTravel@lists.planeta.com. More details are online

Ecotourism/Ecoturismo Forum

You're invited to participate in our virtual forum:

Bulletin Boards

       Latin America Ecotourism/Ecoturismo Message Board
       Honduras Travel and Eco Travel Message Board
       General Ecotourism - About.com
       National Geographic Tourism Board


    Ecotourism Announcements - Planeta.com
    Ecotourism Events - About.com


Want to find out more about ecotourism? Check into the
global conversation. Listservers are discussion groups
conducted via email. The service is free. By subscribing to a
listserver, you are able to post a message that will be
distributed to all of the members. Likewise, by subscribing,
you will receive all of the messages. The advantage is that
you will ecotourism is interpreted or marketed in other
regions. The disadvantage is that perhaps you'll receive a
great deal of messages about places or services that do not
interest you. With that in mind, do subscribe, but learn how
to quickly delete or ignore messages that do not pertain to
your interests.

    Green-Travel: Green-Travel was the first moderated
electronic mailing list dedicated to culturally and
environmentally responsible, or sustainable, travel and
tourism worldwide. While it is no longer moderated, the
sources remain of high caliber. This is simply a must-read,
great source of information.

To subscribe, send email to listserv@peach.ease.lsoft.com
and in the body of the message put subscribe green-travel

Or use the web form at

Contact: Marcus L. Endicott
Email: mendicott@igc.apc.org
Web Archives:
See also, the Green Travel Website -

    Caribbean Ecotourism Listserv: focuses on this
particular region. Messages from green-travel are often
cross posted here. Currently, this service has an academic
leaning, and most of its subscribers are relatively quiet.
That said, ecotourism in the Caribbean is quite distinct and
this listserver should be more active.

To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@YORKU.CA
and in the body of the message put subscribe cangonet

Contact: Yacine Khelladi
Email: yacine@AACR.NET
Web Archives: http://www.funredes.org/yacine/cangonet/

    Network for Ecotourism Professionals' "mission is to
promote worldwide good stewardship of our fragile
environment by following the principals of ecotourism."

To subscribe, send email to majordomo@newnorth.net
and in the body of the message put subscribe NEP (your email

Contacts: Gary Kulibert, NEP Council - email:
Margie Labadie, NEP Council - email: NEPSouth@aol.com

Tourism Journals and Newsletters

    Transitions Abroad is simply a terrific bi-monthly
magazine. Subscription price is $25/year in the US,
$30/year for Canada and $42/year for surface mail to other
countries. The magazine regularly features information on
responsible travel Subscribe to their electronic newsletter
by sending the message "subscribe" to
listserv@peach.ease.lsoft.com. Or write to the editor at 18
Hulst Road, P.O. Box 1300, Amherst, MA 01004; Email:
trabroad@aol.com; Web: http://www.transitionsabroad.com/

    Boletin Turistico is a highly-recommended,
Spanish-language weekly newsletter aimed at tourism
professionals. To subscribe, use the web form at
http://boletin.rapidserver.com. You can report news items
and contact Lluis Mesalles, the newsletter publisher at

    Tourism Concern is a wonderful journal focusing on
responsible tourism. For information, write to the editor,
Stapleton House, 277-281 Holloway Road, London N7 8HN.
UK; Phone: (44) 0171-753 3330; Fax. (44) 0171-753 3331;
Web: http://www.gn.apc.org/tourismconcern

    Outdoor News, Monterrey, Mexico (52-8) 378-1577.
Revista electronica sobre Mexico (con titulo de Spanglish!)
en Espaņol. Gratuito. Solamente necesitas Adobe Acrobat.
Email: outdoor@sdm.net.mx

Additional Reading Materials

Ecotourism Bibliography

Green Homes For Sale:  http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/
Green Building Pros:  http://www.greenbuilder.com/directory/
Calendar:  http://www.greenbuilder.com/calendar/
Bookstore: http://www.greenbuilder.com/bookstore

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