Welcome, Bienvenu, Bienvenido, & Jambo!
fahreen ebrahim wrote:
> Here is a short intro piece:
> Jambo, as the Swahili would say to greet all, Fahreen is what I go by. I am
> Kenyan of origin, and Toronto, Canada is my home. My interest in ecotourism
> came right after I finished my undergraduate degree in rural and agricultural
> development. As a child I grew up in a coastal town that thrived and still
> does, on mass market tourism and the physical evidence of resource
> deterioration was quite explicit. With a personal interest in conservation and
> community development, I took interest in ecotourism and cultural tourism. I
> believe that countries of the developing world need to develop ecotourism
> strategies and standards in order to avoid the threat of mass ecotourism and I
> am all for promoting the sustainability of natural resources. Alhtough I have
> yet to have first hand experience in working with an ecotourism project (my
> ideal ), I have been conducting a lot ot preliminary research on ecotourism and
> it's impacts. I hope that this listserve will serve as a networking benefit so
> that prevalent issues can be shared. I look forward the the discussions.
> Fahreen
> Yacine Khelladi wrote:
> > Fahreen,
> >
> > sorry to have been so long to reply,
> >
> > Cangonet is a list for sustainable, alternative, eco - tourism issues in
> > the Caribbean.
> >
> > Archives and subscription procedures
> > http://funredes.org/yacine/cangonet
> >
> > if interrested mail me short self-intro + interest in this issue to be
> > posted when you join.
> >
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