[Fwd: Ethics in tourism debates: London, UK June]

From: Yacine Khelladi (yacine@AACR.NET)
Date: Mon May 24 1999 - 16:43:56 AST

i visited their site they are very interresting

ain't they Micha's partener in PIT network proposal?

Sam Lanfranco wrote:
> From: Tourism Concern <tourconcern@gn.apc.org>
> Subject: Ethics in tourism debates
> Tourism Concern, the Guardian Newspaper and the University of North London
> are holding three public debates on the ethics of travel and tourism.
> Each proposition will be debated by high profile speakers putting forward
> either side of the argument from destination areas in the UK and overseas,
> the British tourism industry and campaigning organisations.
> Debate 1: 'TO GO OR NOT TO GO: Freedom of Movement is a human right. Yet
> morally we should not travel to places where human rights are violated'.
> Tuesday June 8, 7pm, Royal Institution, Albemarle St., London W1 (nearest
> tube Green Park)
> Debate 2: 'TOURISM APARTHEID: All-inclusive holidays provide tourists with
> everything they need but deny local communities the opportunities to
> benefit from tourism.' Tuesday June 15, 7pm, Royal Institution, Albemarle
> St., London W1 (nearest tube Green Park)
> Debate 3: 'ECOTOURISM: Ecotourism is a threat not a blessing to the lakes
> the Peaks and the Pennines.' Monday 28 June, 7pm, Bridgewater Hall,
> Manchester
> Tickets must be booked in advance, and cost £8 for one debate; £14 for 2
> or £19 for all 3 (including a glass of wine). You can download a ticket
> application form on our website - http://www.gn.apc.org/tourismconcern -
> or contact the office on tel. 0171 753 3330 or email
> tourconcern@gn.apc.org
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tourism Concern, Stapleton House, 277-281 Holloway Road, London N7 8HN. UK.
> Tel.(44) 0171-753 3330. Fax. (44) 0171-753 3331.
> Web page: http://www.gn.apc.org/tourismconcern
> Tourism Concern (tourconcern@gn.apc.org)
> Registered charity. Working towards sustainable tourism.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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