nited Nations Sustainable Tourism

From: Yacine Khelladi (yacine@AACR.NET)
Date: Mon May 10 1999 - 18:14:27 AST

I finally found this in english but not the April meeting outup docs.
and nothin' in spanish

Sustainable Tourism



Seventh Session

Report of the Secretary-General

1. Annotated agenda of the Ad Hoc Intersessional Working Group I on Consumption and Production Patterns and on Tourism (E/CN.17/ISWG.1/1999/1

2. Report of the Secretary-General on Tourism and Sustainable Development (E/CN.17/1999/5)

3. Addendum 1 to the Report on Tourism and Economic Development (E/CN.17/1999/5/Add.1)

4. Addendum 2 to the Report on Tourism and Social Development (E/CN.17/1999/5/Add.2)

5. Addendum 3 to the Report on Tourism and Environmental Protection (E/CN.17/1999/5/Add.3)

6. Addendum to the Secretary-General’s Report on the Barbados Programme of Action - Sustainable Tourism (E/CN.17/1999/6/Add.11)

Background Documents

Tourism and Sustainable Development.The Global Importance of Tourism. Background Paper No. 1

Tourism and Sustainable Development. Workers and Trade Unions in the Web of Tourism. Background Paper No. 2

Tourism and Sustainable Development. Sustainable Tourism: A Local Authority Perspective. Background Paper No. 3

Sustainable Tourism: A Non-Governmental Organisation Perspective. Background Paper No. 4

Fourth Session

Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable tourism development in small island developing States



Nineteen Special Session of the General Assembly

Resolution Adopted By The General Assembly for the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21

Sustainable tourism

Tourism is now one of the world’s largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic sectors. The expected growth in the tourism sector and the increasing reliance of many developing countries, including small island developing States, on this sector as a major employer and contributor to local, national, subregional and regional economies highlights the need to pay special attention to the relationship between environmental conservation and protection and sustainable tourism. In this regard, the efforts of developing countries to broaden the traditional concept of tourism to include cultural and eco-tourism merit special consideration as well as the assistance of the international community, including the international financial institutions.

There is a need to consider further the importance of tourism in the context of Agenda 21. Tourism, like other sectors, uses resources, generates wastes and creates environmental, cultural and social costs and benefits in the process. For sustainable patterns of consumption and production in the tourism sector, it is essential to strengthen national policy development and enhance capacity in the areas of physical planning, impact assessment, and the use of economic and regulatory instruments, as well as in the areas of information, education and marketing. A particular concern is the degradation of biodiversity and fragile ecosystems, such as coral reefs, mountains, coastal areas and wetlands.

Policy development and implementation should take place in cooperation with all interested parties, especially the private sector and local and indigenous communities. The Commission should develop an action-oriented international programme of work on sustainable tourism, to be defined in cooperation with the World Tourism Organisation, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and other relevant bodies.

The sustainable development of tourism is of importance for all countries, in particular for small island developing States. International cooperation is needed to facilitate tourism development in developing countries – including the development and marketing of eco-tourism, bearing in mind the importance of the conservation policies required to secure long-term benefits from development in this sector – in particular in small island developing States, in the context of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States.



World Tourism Organization

International Civil Aviation Organization

The World Travel and Tourism Organisation

Alliance for Sustainable Tourism

Agenda 21 for the Travela nd Tourism Industry. An Action Plan of the World Travel & Tourism Council, the World Tourism Organization and the Earth Council

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

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