[Fwd: agri-tourism (fwd)]

From: Yacine Khelladi (yacine@AACR.NET)
Date: Sat Jan 23 1999 - 15:24:30 AST

> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 20:02:43 -0500
> From: Sandra Scott <sanscott@northnet.org>
> Subject: agri-tourism
> Can you lead me lead me to any argi-tourist destinations in Latin
> America... or any info on such travel?
> ss

I forwared to her Ron's post on Costa Rica coprena,

But I'm wodering if there is ANY agri-tourism offer in the Caribbean
Region ?
ANy clue.

Best wishes to all for this new year

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 20:02:43 -0500
> From: Sandra Scott <sanscott@northnet.org>
> To: yacine@funredes.org
> Subject: agri-tourism
> Can you lead me lead me to any argi-tourist destinations in Latin
> America... or any info on such travel?
> ss

Yacine Khelladi  <yacine@aacr.net> http://www.funredes.org/yacine
Consultant on Development projects & Information Technologies
tel: 1-809-537 89 77 (voicemail)      Fax: 1-809-221 42 19
P.O.Box 109-Z Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

now/actuellement: Resp. formation, animation, support utilisateurs, developpement contenus @ REHRED Reseau Haitien pour la Recherche et le Développement http://rehred-haiti.net email: <yacine.exec@rehred-haiti.net> 25 rue Babiole, Babiole, Pacot Port au Prince, Haiti. Fax: +1-509-457699 Tel: +1-509-459694/3973 ********************************************************************

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