Sustainable Tourism Research INterest Group (STRING)

Sam Lanfranco (lanfran@YORKU.CA)
Fri, 5 Jun 1998 22:32:20 -0400

Dear Subscribers:

As Yacine Khelladi has said, Cangonet is an electronic forum devoted to
discussions and reference exchange on Caribbean ecotourism issues
(including sustainable, cultural, rural, agricultural etc tourism, .)

In a related area a group of sustainable tourism researchers have come
together to form STRING, the Sustainable Tourism Research INterest
Group). STRING is a voluntary unfunded group interested in tourism
research. STRING grew out of the interests of researchers and young
interns working in, at, or with Canada's International Development
Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada.

The Mission of STRING is to improve the quality of sustainable tourism
research, and to help diffuse lessons learned from sustainable tourism
research. STRING is interested in research issues and research results
and is not a place to discuss sustainable tourism per se.

Since this is a hard line to draw STRING will use a broader definition
in deciding what goes on the STRING webpage at, and will use a more narrow definition in
the discussions on

To subsribe to STRING, send email to with one line

subscribe string Yourfirstname Yourlastname

Instructions are at

The string webpage and are maintained by
donated labor, with support from Distributed Knowledge: