New member: Lucy Eglington US/Edu

Yacine Khelladi REHRED (yacine@AACR.NET)
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 17:46:14 -0700

Welcome, bienvenue, bienvenida

Lucy's intro

> I have a long-standing interest in sustainable tourism, particularly in marine-based and coastal/Island tourism - I am especially interested in the effects of the growing numbers of 'scuba ecotourists' to island destinations. I am looking for graduate courses which reflect these interests - there seem to be some good places in Australia and Hawaii with excellent courses. I have also been looking for interesting volunteer opportunities to then perhaps use as the basis for my ongoing graduate research. If you have any suggestions or bits of advice about good Universities or interesting opportunities, I'd love to hear them!
> Many Thanks,
> Lucy Eglington
> email: