Fwd: WWW> Dominican Republic Ecotourism Workshop

Mon, 30 Jun 1997 12:18:44 GMT

Please check this out!

The following 100K document is online the internet at

Questions should be directed to John Shores via email:

When I have a little more time, I'd like to put this version online in a web
version on http://www.planeta.com/. If you have a document on envronmental
travel you'd like me to put online - a free service - please request the
Writer's Guidelines from ron@planeta.com.


Ron Mader
Eco Travels in Latin America


Enero 14 - 19, 1996
Jarabacoa, República Dominicana

Reporte preparado por los participantes
editado por Alberto Rodríguez Liriano y John Shores

8 de abril, 1996
Santo Domingo, R.D.

Executive Summary

Peace Corps/Dominican Republic, the National Directorate of Parks, and Peace
Corpsí Office of Training and Program Support co-sponsored a ìWorkshop on
Ecotourism and Administration in Protected Areas.î Participants included 20
Park Administrators from the National Directorate of Parks and 12 Peace Corps
Volunteers from the Business and Environment Projects. Two professionals sent
by Peace Corps/Washington served as technical resource persons and provided
workshop facilitation. The venue for the workshop was the Hotel Pinar Dorado
in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic, from 13 to 19 January 1996.

The purpose of the workshop was to enhance the ability of the participants to
develop and manage plans and projects involving ecotourism, taking into account
the natural and cultural resources at stake.


By the end of the Workshop, each participant would be able to:

Demonstrate a knowledge of ecotourism in definition and as a concept;
Develop a community diagnostic tool and collect baseline information using
this tool;
Understand the environmental implications and interactions of tourism
Understand the potential of ecotourism as a business activity associated with
cultural and natural resource conservation and protection;
Develop an action plan to promote ecotourism activities; and
Develop a plan to manage ecotourism as a fundamental tool for sustainable
development and the conservation of biodiversity.

The workshop design came from a team of consultants from the United States and
the Dominican Republic, who made use of the Internet to keep close contact
during the planning phase. The design provided a balance of theoretical
sessions, field study, and Open Space groups. The proceedings that follow are
the collaborative efforts of all of the participants in the Workshop.

The Workshop explored with considerable detail the basic elements of ecotourism
for a clear understanding of the concepts and practices. It provided the
necessary tools to design and manage ecotourism ìpackagesî using the national
protected area system as the resource base.

Park Administrators discussed general management concepts as they can be
applied to the specific managerial and supervisory needs of protected areas.

The workshop participants had the opportunity to develop models of ecotourism
during field trips to two protected areas in which they applied rapid appraisal
techniques to identify key factors for planning and implementing business
development initiatives in or around these areas.


La República Dominicana, enclavada en el centro del gran Caribe, se beneficia
de una gama de ecosistemas naturales que albergan una rica bíodiversidad
terrestre y costero marina.

El Gobierno Dominicano consciente de que esos ecosistema deben ser protegidos,
como compromiso moral y responsabilidad ética hacia las generaciones futuras,
sin menoscabo de su disfrute por las presentes, ha establecido una amplia red
de áreas protegidas. Estas representan las muestras más representativas de la
fauna, la flora, la cultura, bellezas escénicas, así como de los elementos
étnicos con que cuenta el país.

La Red Nacional de Areas Protegidas está despertando, de forma ascendente, el
interés del público por conocer, entender, estudiar, contemplar y disfrutar
dichas áreas. Por tal razón es necesario establecer normas que regulen la
forma de usos e interacción de los visitantes a las mismas. Para así reducir
al mínimo los posibles impactos negativos que puedan ocurrir.

Bajo la premisa anterior, la Dirección Nacional de Parques y el Cuerpo de Paz
de la República Dominicana, realizaron un taller para tratar de establecer
desde el punto de vista conceptual y práctico, el potencial de dichas áreas
para fines ecoturísticos, de investigación y desarrollo sostenido. De ahí la
importancia que reviste para el país la publicación de los resultados más
relevantes arrojados por el taller de Ecoturismo, Administración y Gestión de
las Areas Protegidas en la República Dominicana. El cual esperamos sirva como
guía de consulta rápida a administradores, planificadores, empresarios
ecoturísticos y profesionales que incursionen en el ámbito del manejo e
investigación en las áreas protegidas.

Radhamés Lora, PhD.
Director Nacional de Parques
12 de mayo de 1996

Executive Summary

Peace Corps/Dominican Republic, the National Directorate of Parks, and Peace
Corpsí Office of Training and Program Support co-sponsored a ìWorkshop on
Ecotourism and Administration in Protected Areas.î Participants included 20
Park Administrators from the National Directorate of Parks and 12 Peace Corps
Volunteers from the Business and Environment Projects. Two professionals sent
by Peace Corps/Washington served as technical resource persons and provided
workshop facilitation. The venue for the workshop was the Hotel Pinar Dorado
in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic, from 13 to 19 January 1996.

The purpose of the workshop was to enhance the ability of the participants to
develop and manage plans and projects involving ecotourism, taking into account
the natural and cultural resources at stake.


By the end of the Workshop, each participant would be able to:

Demonstrate a knowledge of ecotourism in definition and as a concept;
Develop a community diagnostic tool and collect baseline information using
this tool ;
Understand the environmental implications and interactions of tourism
Understand the potential of ecotourism as a business activity associated with
cultural and natural resource conservation and protection;
Develop an action plan to promote ecotourism activities; and
Develop a plan to manage ecotourism as a fundamental tool for sustainable
development and the conservation of biodiversity.

The workshop design came from a team of consultants from the United States and
the Dominican Republic, who made use of the Internet to keep close contact
during the planning phase. The design provided a balance of theoretical
sessions, field study, and Open Space groups. The proceedings that follow are
the collaborative efforts of all of the participants in the Workshop.

The Workshop explored with considerable detail the basic elements of ecotourism
for a clear understanding of the concepts and practices. It provided the
necessary tools to design and manage ecotourism ìpackagesî using the national
protected area system as the resource base.

Park Administrators discussed general management concepts as they can be
applied to the specific managerial and supervisory needs of protected areas.

The workshop participants had the opportunity to develop models of ecotourism
during field trips to two protected areas in which they applied rapid appraisal
techniques to identify key factors for planning and implementing business
development initiatives in or around these areas.

           modem:  512.462.0633